Pest Management Plan
A 5 Year Herbicide Spray Program is Proposed For OUR area, called DEVELOPMENT OF A PEST MANAGEMENT PLAN. If you have concerns about our RDCK Areas D and E being sprayed, please attend the Open house TOMORROW, Wednesday, May 28 from 10am to 1pm at the Kootenay Lake Forestry Centre at 1907 Ridgewood Road, Nelson (North Shore).
The open house will present CKIPC's proposed 2014 invasive plant program for our areas including prevention, inventory, education and awareness, and treatments. For more information contact CKIPC at 250-352-1160 or The pest management methods proposed for use include mechanical, cultural and biological control and the use of herbicides within the area. Herbicides proposed for use under this plan include aminopyralid (milestone), clopyralid (Lontrel), dicamba (Vanquish), diflufenzopyr (Overdrive), glyphosate (Vantage Plus Max), imazapyr (Arsenal), mecoprop-p (Dyvel DS), metsulfuron methyl (Escort), picloram (Tordon 22K), 2,4-D Amine (2,4-D Amine 600) and triclopyr (Garlon XRT).